A calorie is not a calorie

I think you should all read the following article and study about calories. Very interesting!

For my swedish readers click here: http:// http://www.kostdoktorn.se/en-kalori-ar-inte-en-kalori-2 and follow the two links on the page!

For everyone else: http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/well/2013/06/27/how-carbs-can-trigger-food-cravings/

And: http://m.ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2013/06/26/ajcn.113.064113.abstract

Intermittent fasting day 5

I’ve been feeling bloated since I got home and I think it’s because I eat too much dairy products, like cheese, cream and yoghurt so I’m gonna try and cut down on that.

After 16h of fasting I finally had my breakfast/lunch, without cream and yoghurt this time.

Lunch 11.30am:

  • Omelett with onion, bacon, tomatoes and salmon

Snack 4pm

  • 2 eggs

Dinner 7.30pm:

  • Chicken breast wrapped in bacon with dijon mustard and cauliflower mash.

A new study!!

Dietdoctor.com has finally presented us with a new study on low-carb diet and low-fat diet. This is the kind of study I want to shove in people’s face when they say that there are no long-term studies on LCHF or that there are no studies that shows that fat is good for you.

Unfortunately I think the study is only available on the swedish site, kostdoktorn.se, but I will provide you with the link here. Only problem is that you have to pay to read the rest of the study, but the introduction looks promising. I will see if I can find it on my university’s database 🙂

The study: Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. 


Update: Yes, the journal is in the Uni’s database, I will attempt to read the whole journal and hopefully provide some sort of summary for you, if I understand all the medical terms that is!