Good news!!

I’ve got some good news for all of you. In a swedish newspaper today, read here, it is stated that the National Food Administration (Livsmedelsverket) has decided, based on EU laws and guidelines, that the LCHF and GI marking on food products will be banned. Markings like “healthy”, “only 6g fat” and similar will be banned as well.

Now you might think that this is a bad idea.. I mean, LCHF is good, and people need guidance, right? Well.. no. Im sure you have seen in some stores where they put the label LCHF on water. That’s because the LCHF tag sells. You have LCHF bread.. thats usually bullshit because the bread does contain a lot of carbs. The point is that the food producers do everything to make money and they fool us with their labelling.

This means that companies like Paulún wont be able to promote their products as GI. It will make it harder for companies to market their products overall. It will not be legal to say what health gains there are with their products.


This kind of writing wont be legal!

This is brilliant. This is a massive step in the right direction. Yeah the LCHF label will disappear but honestly, who is stupid enough to buy LCHF water? People on LCHF are educated enough (hopefully) to know what to put in their mouth. Instead, all the commercials about low calorie chocolate bars and “healthy orange juice” will go away and it means that people wont be led onto the wrong path to a healthy lifestyle. For once the Food Administration did something good! (And I bet they didn’t even realise it themselves)


I usually hear from people, who aren’t on a low carb diet, that you need fiber, which is commonly found in grains. I got a comment on the blog a while ago as well about fibers so I thought I should clear this out.

Fiber, first of all, is a carbohydrate, that’s indigestible. Meaning it doesn’t provide any energy and pass through the system “unnoticed”. What it does is making you feel full for longer and it can prevent constipation, depending on what kind of fiber it is – soluable or unsoluable. You’ll find fibers in all our famous grains, but also fruit, berries and vegetables.

As with everything else, we are differently adjusted to eat certain products. Some people may be oversensitive to fibers and some aren’t. What’s common for soluable and unsoluable fibers is that both produce gas, which makes you feel bloated. According to a Swedish article that I read ¹, only people with constipation needs more fiber, but “normal” people will do perfectly fine without too much.

In other words, I would say that fibers are overrated because it’s very individual on how much you can eat. I say “can” because some people, like myself, feel a lot better without fibers. Today I only get fibers from the vegetables I eat, seeing as I don’t eat grains, fruit or berries. My stomach is feeling better than ever, I’m not constipated anymore and I don’t feel bloated. So the old “you don’t get enough fibers” or “You need fibers” is overrated and shouldn’t be an argument for eating grains.

If you want more information I can recommend doing research, like I had to do. Don’t believe everything you read in newspapers and blogs. Read professional journals and medicine articles and create your own opinion! With that said, you shouldn’t belive me either..

¹ Läkemedelsvärlden (2003). Fibrer inte bra för alla. Link:ör-alla-2822

A calorie is not a calorie

I think you should all read the following article and study about calories. Very interesting!

For my swedish readers click here: http:// and follow the two links on the page!

For everyone else:


My health improvements with LCHF

Yesterday my mum told me about something that she read about people on LCHF and their relationship with their doctors. One guy said that his doctor didn’t want to see him anymore if he started with LCHF. Another one insisted to give blood pressure lowering medicin to a guy with high blood pressure. It wasn’t abnormally high, it was just .. high. When he started with LCHF his blood pressure went down and he never took the medicine.

Besides an obvious weight loss (-13kg) my cholesterol has gone down from 5mmol/L to 3mmol/L. 5mmol/L is normal! My blood pressure has always been low and I’m still dizzy, which I’ve always been now and then so nothing abnormal there.

My belly is not bloated anymore. I look and feel “slim”.
I don’t have a bad stomach. I’m not “hard” like I used to be when I ate too much fiber and carbs.
I’m healthier. I dont get sick as often as I used to
I have more energy. I can, without problem, work out twice a day, which I could never ever do when I ate carbs.
I’m never hungry. I don’t have to starv myself in order to lose weight, I can eat 3000 kcal and still lose weight.
Most importantly maybe.. I don’t have any moodswings anymore!! When I was hungry I could get really grumpy and in such a mood, but now I can stay happy all day! Amazing.

Easy lunch wrap!






















I made a wrap this morning to bring with me for lunch! I can’t say if it’s good or not, seeing as I haven’t tried it yet… but I couldn’t help but nibble a little bit before I rolled it up and it seems good. The recipe will be under “recipes”, of course! The contents are butter, cheese, ham, salmon and cucumber. Can’t wait for lunch!!

What is LCHF?

I’m sure I’ve written this before but i will do it again.

LCHF stands for Low Carb High Fat. However, i think a lot of people misinterpret this term.. i can imagine most people thinking that my food is swimming around in fat. This is not the case.

It means that you e.g. fry your beef or meat in butter instead of margarine or oil.

It means that you make a sauce or dressing with a cream/coconut/creme fraiche base.

It means that you make your own bearnaisesauce, mayo and aioli yourself to avoid all the chemicals.

It means that you eat a normal portion of protein. You eat ONE beef, ONE chicken breast or ONE salmon fillet. Not three.

It means that you dont eat carbs – potatoes, rice, pasta, underground vegetables, wheat, grains, sugar, starch etc.

It means that you are careful with fruits since they contain only water and sugar

It means that you dont count calories, you dont starv yourself, you’re never hungry, you dont have to snack between meals, your bloodsugar is stable, you’ll lower your cholesterol and you can prevent diseases like cancer, diabetics and CVD.

It means that you can eat amazing food and still lose weight.

It means you can eat amazing food and still get top results when you exercise.

“Clean eating”

This is funny. I searched for clean eating to see what it actually is. I’ve seen sooooo many people hashtagging clean eating on instagram and twitter so I was curious..

On one site I found that clean eating is eating what the human body is shaped for and the way nature intended. Exmples of nutrition are lean protein, carbs and healthy fats.

Well… isn’t that contradicting? First of all, we aren’t shaped for eating carbs in form of grains and underground vegetables, when people started with agriculture 10 000 years ago. Our bodies have only adjusted partly but not fully to those carbs.

Healthy fats, im guessing thats like salmon, avocado, olive, nuts etc.. thats good. But fats as butter, cream and cheese are good too (however, we aren’t shaped to eat dairy products). Only fat thats bad for us is trans fat.

Lean protein is meat without fat. Like fat on a pig isn’t natural? Fat makes the flavour. Then it’s obviously up to each person to eat the fat after cooking, I mean I don’t like too much fat on my meat..

Then we got my personal opinion, which is that we should not eat any chemicals. “Light” products are all chemical. You mix your quark with fun light and think its healthy, well.. read the contents of the fun light and see how many chemicals have been added to make it taste the way it does.

Or maybe all those light fat products, nothing natural at all. Think about that. Our bodies weren’t shaped to eat chemicals. Would you give paint for your child to eat? Same bloody thing.

Do people know what nature shaped us to eat? Really? I doubt that.. again the lack of research shines through.

LCHF Dessert


I have to share this with you. My best friend made this the other day.

You’ll need:
Vanilla powder
Berries (rasberries and strawberries contain less carbs)
Stevia (if you want to)

Mix one tablespoon/person with coconut milk/cream ane vanilla powder and let them swell for a bit, maybe during the main course. Then add more coconut milk if you think you’ll need it. Its all about the feeling really. Pour in dessert glasses, chop some berries and voilá. It’s not harder than that. You could easily add some Stevia if you want.

Morning training

… is probably the best training and the best way to start your day. It’s especially good before breakfast, provided that you are on a LCHF diet.

I went to SATS and i was basically the only girl there, well atleast in the free weight area. What I dont understand is girls spending hours on the crosstrainer. It’s possibly THE most boring thing in the world. No offence to those who does, but I’d rather go for a run OUTSIDE.

Did shoulders and abs today anyway. Still aching from my legday and I wasnt able to lift too many dumbells because of a minor accident to my hand yesterday.


Picture from

Ok, so after seeing loads of people using celsius and praising this product I had to try it.. Stupid as I was I didn’t take my own photo, but I bought the Lime taste. Anyhow, here is my review!

What actually made me buy this product was all the people promoting as the “best pre-workout drink” etc. The can is nice to look at but I must say that the contents wasn’t as nice. I can’t say I liked the taste too much, a bit too sweet maybe. As any other coffein filled drink, this made me less tired, but only for a short time. The nutritional information is another negative thing as it contains too many things as well as sweeterners, which I’m not the biggest fan of.

My thought is that people are drinking this product because it’s sweet and a substitute to our sodas, such as coke and pepsi. To me, sweet substitutes, whether they contain carbs or not, are just an indication of a sugar addiction. Same with the Swedish sparkling water with taste of chocolate ice cream and what not. Sweeterners still triggers your bloodsugar and your craving for more.

So Celsius for me is a big NO, or at least not something I would drink everyday before any workout session etc. Drink water.